The Art Of Coaching

The Art Of Coaching

E109 | Why You're Not Getting Anything Done

July 30, 2020

How many of you have gone to bed feeling like you’ve done nothing productive with your day? Perhaps you’re like me and no matter how organized you are, an email, crying baby, or unexpected bill creeps in and takes you away from the progress you’ve been making.

Today I’m talking about distractions and moments of chaos, how to get back on track when they happen and why they aren’t always a bad thing…

In today’s episode you’ll hear about one possible solution, the chaos checklist. If the typical morning routine isn’t working for you, click here for a list of activities to get your day back on track and allow you to feel like you’ve accomplished something by the time you lay your head down on the pillow at night.

Speaking of getting back on track, if you have an idea or project in the works and need help taking the next step, check out our Coalition program. Depending on your goals, these small mentorship groups are designed around accountability, increasing clarity and building momentum. What do you have to lose? Fill out an application and join us today!

Podcast Reflection Sheets: Click Here

How to Find a Mentor Guide: Click Here

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