Arrow Squad

Arrow Squad

Latest Episodes

AS 161 - S7E16 - "Star City 2040"
March 20, 2019

We're headed into the future!! Join Flash and Cammie as we take a trip ahead in time to discuss what our new younger team is up against when heading into the Glades with the help of Dinah and Roy. We get lots of great interaction between Mia, William...

AS160 - S7E15 - Training Day
March 13, 2019

Old school is the new cool. The team gets back together and everything just feels right. After mutually agreeing that working with the SCPD doesn't quite get the results they're used to, team Arrow suits up to hit the streets and show them how it's...

AS 159 - S07E14 - Brothers and Sisters
March 06, 2019

Martin the Flash and Cammie return after hiatus along with Arrow to pick up where we left off before the break. Felicity gets support from Laurel 2 about the pregnancy, Oliver gets wisdom from Rene, and Diggle makes some big decisions! What is going...

AS 158 - S07E13 - Star City Slayer
February 13, 2019

Arrow has never been this creepy! It's all out horror style presentation as the Star City Slayer goes after the Queen family and the team! We also say goodbye to a pair of characters, bringing some emotions and surprises with it. Speaking of...

AS 157 - S07E12 - Emerald Archer
February 06, 2019

Cammien Ray teams up with a special guest this week: Harley aka Jessica! For Arrow's 150th episode, in addition to a special guest on Arrow Squad, we have tons of special guests on Arrow itself, as many familiar faces return from the past seven...

AS 156 - S07E11 - Past Sins
January 30, 2019

In this episode of Arrow Squad, Martin the Flash and Cammie take a look at the three story pieces that made up the show. We have Oliver trying to figure out how to get the city to trust him, and his struggle with owning up to his past choices, as well...

AS155 - S07E10 - My Name is Emiko Queen
January 23, 2019

Happy New Year Arrow Squad! Martin the Flash and Cammie are back after hiatus to discuss the comeback episode and the first one of the new year! Emiko Queen, Oliver's half sister he never knew he had, gets the full origin in an episode treatment. Plus...

AS 154 - S07E09 - Elseworlds GSM Crossover
December 16, 2018

Alright Arrow Squad fans, here is the special AS version of the epic crossover podcast event! This is the very first time we've ever done one this big, so hopefully you enjoy all of our various opinions and perspectives on what went down during this...

AS 153 - S07E09 - Elseworlds Pt 2
December 12, 2018

Coming to you from Star City on Earth 90, it's Martin the Chameleon and Cammie the Flash here to talk about the mid chapter of the Elseworlds crossover event! The hijinks continue as Barry and Oliver try to figure out how to switch themselves back to...

AS 152 - S07E08 - Unmasked
December 05, 2018

This week Oliver tries to get back to normal life with Felicity, but finds she's a different wife than the one he left behind! Dinah and Rene work to get Oliver back on the streets as the Arrow, and find a way to make it legal! Diggle and Lyla do...