Armstrong & Getty One More Thing

Armstrong & Getty One More Thing

Latest Episodes

The Other One Is Great, Too!
January 01, 2021

MichaelAngelo hosts another episode of his special holiday series of classic A&G segments. In this one, Joe recounts a unique rock star experience he had following a Dead Flowers show.

Thumping Clinton Paramours
December 31, 2020

MichaelAngelo raids the archives for another episode in his "best of Best Of" series. Back in 2004, Jack & Joe interviewed two-time Olympic ice skater Tonya Harding, who was attempting to transition to professional boxing after being banned from skating f

Barbaric & Outta Gas
December 23, 2020

MichaelAngelo hosts another episode of One More Thing focused on the history of the show, including the origins of the soundbite "barbaric" and a funny story about Ol' Simple Jack.

Can I Feed Your Goldfish?
December 22, 2020

MichaelAngelo hosts the 2nd episode in the series focused on the history of A&G. Episode 2 features his favorite Joe story about a notary and goldfish.

Dinner Table Events
December 21, 2020

MichaelAngelo hosts a special series of Holiday One More Thing podcasts featuring some of his favorite moments from the entire history of The Armstrong & Getty Show. Episode 1 explains the origins of the Mitt Romney soundbite, Dinner Table Events.

No Growth...No Improvement
December 21, 2020

MichaelAngelo talks about the upcoming series of One More Thing podcasts focused on some of his favorite bits, historical explanations, etc.

The Importance of Fire Safety
December 21, 2020

Joe shares the story about setting his Christmas tree on fire!

Bad Parenting/Bad TV
December 21, 2020

We lament Netflix' gutter programming for kids. Plus, why are we catering to our kids?

Mandolin Or Sex Slave
December 21, 2020

Jack succumbs to FB's lure, with questions about appropriate Christmas gifts for kids.

New Disney Show!!!! A PS Take-Over
December 21, 2020

Positive Sean gives us a rundown of all of the new shows coming to Disney+.
