Armstrong & Getty One More Thing

Armstrong & Getty One More Thing

Latest Episodes

Like I'm Being Stabbed!
January 13, 2021

Jack goes fancy and buys a really expensive chair...and pays for it twice!

What Can You Do With a Drunken Sailor?
January 13, 2021

Admiration for sea shanties, with some summer teeth thrown in.

Harder Than It Looks
January 11, 2021

Joe realizes that his singing voice has changed, Positive Sean hosts a radio show and the guys talk about morbid and violent TV show.s.

Are We Sure This Movie Is For Kids? A PS Take-Over.
January 08, 2021

Positive Sean offers his thoughts on two new blockbuster movies that were streamed directly into your home. Pixar's Soul and Warner Bros. Wonder Woman 84.

I'll Never Co-Host This Show Again!
January 07, 2021

Where do we go from here! At a moment in which so many people are headed to their individual silos of belief, the A&G Show ponders its mission.

This Certificate Seems to Be Authentic
January 06, 2021

Congress votes on the vote...and we listen-in!

I Need To Vent A Little Bit
January 05, 2021

Jack is beyond frustrated with the gaming consoles that the bought for his sons! Thankfully, The Onion understands.

Did Ya Get In A Rumble?
January 03, 2021

MichaelAngelo wraps his special 2020 holiday edition of the One More Thing podcast with Joe's re-telling of the night he and his little girl attended a father-daughter dance!

Just a Physical Act
January 02, 2021

MichaelAngelo's archival series continues with a look back at Jack & Joe's interview with the wife of a firefighter who's husband was involved in a sex scandal!
