

Social Media Minute Podcast by RegEd: April Rudin, The Rudin Group talks the JOBS Act and then some..

August 27, 2013

The JOBS Act does more than seek to free up capital in an ongoing tight credit market for small business. It also means new marketing capabilities for hedge funds - and more to the point - opportunities for financial advisors and wealth managers to focus energy on helping clients navigate the new (and possibly complex) investment strategies they may see or hear of.

April Rudin spends her time focused in the high net worth space, working with both hedge funds and financial advisors. She amplifies (or perhaps informs) that work in her columns for the Huffington Post, Wealth Management and others. See our show notes below to see her coverage.

We dive into the effects of the JOBS Act, discuss marketing opportunities,as well as how to navigate this likely new stream of content to hit the market by year end.

As always, we also take the time to chat on personal versus professional and social media. We found April's answer one of a parent's wisdom. Don't miss it.

Show Notes: