Latest Episodes

AREA 52 087: “Watchers in the Woods”
September 19, 2018

We’re baaaaack…..and man, do we have a creepy episode for you guys. A lot has happened since we recorded last, so let’s get to it. First off, we address the incoming hurricanes and the idea that someone, or something,

AREA 52 086: “Crash Site”
July 24, 2018

In June of 1947, something crashed in the New Mexico desert. Some say it was a UFO containing alien bodies that the military took to Area 51 to study, while others say it was just a weather balloon from a secret intelligence program. Either way,

AREA 52 085.5: “Technical Difficulties”
July 19, 2018

We tried.  

AREA 52 085: “Ghostly Gumshoe”
June 19, 2018

We recently had the opportunity to interview the fascinating and hilarious, Greg Lawson aka The Paranormal Detective! With over 26 years in law enforcement and a decade of service in the multiple branches of the military,

AREA 52 084: “Mind Games”
June 12, 2018

Hypnosis is often looked at as fun weekend entertainment show. A place where audience members are convinced to quack like ducks, act ridiculous onstage by quacking like ducks or sexy dancing with a broom stick. In this episode of Area 52,

AREA 52 083: “Lab Rats”
May 29, 2018

Throughout the years, there have been countless psychological experiments conducted on people; some willingly, some without permission or knowledge, but all of them, no matter how unethical, have given us a fascinating,

AREA 52 082: “Bombinos Pizza”
May 16, 2018

In August of 2003, a man named Brian Wells entered a bank in Erie, Pennsylvania with a shotgun and a bomb strapped around his neck. He claimed he had been jumped and forced to rob the bank or the bomb would go off, which it eventually did,

AREA 52 081: “A Roast in The Oven”
May 01, 2018

It’s been almost a month since our last episode and a lot has happened. First up, we discuss the few details that have been released by authorities regarding the recently announced arrest that had been made in the infamous Golden State Killer rapes,

AREA 52 080: “Dying To Be Famous”
April 04, 2018

On July 15, 1997, a man walked up behind Italian fashion designer Gianni Versace as he was entering his South Beach estate and shot him in the head, killing him. This murder introduced the world to the name Andrew Cunanan,

AREA 52 079: “Skeptiholics”
March 27, 2018

We are finally back and have a lot to talk about! Since we’ve been gone, we’ve watched a couple paranormal documentaries, examined a few interesting Twitter-based conspiracies and finally got our hands on some of the Vegas footage we’ve been waiting fo...