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Arcane Radio

Jerry Ayres | Supernatural Investigators of Minnesota SIM | Arcane Radio 12.18.2020

December 18, 2020

I welcome Jerry Ayres of Supernatural Investigators of Minnesota to Arcane Radio. Supernatural Investigators of Minnesota, also known as The SIM Crew, was established in early 2010. They have completed over 60 paranormal investigations, 2 bigfoot expeditions, and many town hall meetings they call Supernatural Conversations. They also host public investigations, and also periodically teach Ghost Hunting 101, a well-received class on how to investigate the paranormal. Jerry Ayres has been interested in the paranormal since he was a child growing up in Bemidji, Minnesota. He has had several of spiritual events happen in his life. After all these years of investigating the paranormal, he found that he has psychic abilities that are getting stronger with time. Jerry is also a 'smoke reader' and host of a weekly radio show called The Calling Radio Show. For more on Jerry Ayres and SIM visit their website -
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