A Radical Thought

A Radical Thought

Latest Episodes

RT024 - Choose to believe! John 12:37 - A Radical Thought
May 22, 2019

It should sadden us that people have chosen to reject Jesus. It can be frustrating or aggravating when people reject the gospel of Jesus Christ. The reality is that if they rejected Jesus while He walked on this earth proving His deity by His...

RT023 - Don’t attack your leader! 1 Samuel 26:9 - A Radical Thought
May 20, 2019

Your role is to submit, encourage, exhort, support, and love that leader. Most people find themselves having to follow a leader at some point in their lives. What do you do when that leader is not friendly to you? As a Christian, how should you...

RT021 - Trust that God has a plan! Judges 14:4 - A Radical Thought
May 01, 2019

I wish it weren’t so, but every time I sin, I know it was because I wanted to and because God allowed me to. The life of Sampson may be one of the strangest in the Bible. He was a man of miraculous physical strength but was morally weak. His...

RT020 - You are not God! Psalm 100:3 - A Radical Thought
April 29, 2019

The way you live proves that the Lord is God of your life or you are! This verse tells us that God made us, and therefore, we are His people. This is true whether we believe in God or not. If we want to live a good life, it will be living in...

RT019 - Living with the enemy! Judges 18:1 - A Radical Thought
April 26, 2019

God will win the victory if we will engage in the battle. It is almost impossible to live in this world and not be around people who are opposed to what you believe. Our enemy, the devil will try to use them to lead us away from God. Because the...

RT018 - Are you ready to lead? Luke 22:32 - A Radical Thought
April 24, 2019

God doesn’t need you to be able; He wants you to be available. God regularly chooses people who are not able to do great tasks to do great things for Him. If they will let Him, God will equip them to do what they, in their own cannot. God...

RT017 - A good leader is a good example! Joshua 24:15 - A Radical Thought
April 22, 2019

Leaders should be living examples of the things we are teaching God’s people. - People are much more likely to follow a leader who is modeling the things he is saying or teaching. It creates insecurity in people when their leader acts in a manner...

RT016 - Stale religion or joyous relationship? Luke 19:40 - A Radical Thought
April 19, 2019

If you won’t praise God for what He is doing, He will find someone or something else to do it. Praising God ought to be a regular and natural part of a Christian’s life. God deserves it from His creation, especially His highest creation,...

RT015 - Why are we arguing? Proverbs 13:10 - A Radical Thought
April 17, 2019

Pride is the fuel that keeps an argument burning. We live in a time when differing opinions and viewpoints cannot be discussed freely, openly, and civilly. The Bible teaches us that the reason for that is pride. When we believe or think we are the...

RT014 – Pray for the leaders! Psalm 84:9 - A Radical Thought
April 15, 2019

We don’t always get to pick the one we are to follow. In this text, the psalmist encourages to pray for leaders. Specifically, he is referring to the leaders of the nation. The logic seems simple and obvious – if the leader finds favor with...