AppointmentPlus Radio Show

AppointmentPlus Radio Show

Knowing Your Why With Cristi McMurdie

October 05, 2015

When you know your WHY, your world begins to make more sense. You begin to see how your WHY drives the choices you make. Not only that, it gives others, including those who buy your products and services, a reason to connect with you. People don’t connect with what you do. They connect with WHY you do it, who you are and what you believe. The WHY lets others understand what you stand for. Interested in learning more. KEEP READING!

Join Cristi McMurdie, certified WHY coach, as she helps you discover your WHY, the WHY of your employees and help you align your company culture with the WHY of your CEO. Knowing your WHY is like turning on the lights to your behavior. You gain instant clarity, like being reintroduced to yourself. When you know your WHY, you begin to understand why you made the choices you made, as well as the choices you will make. You know what your value is, what people can count on you for, what you bring to the table. Join us for this insightful and captivating podcast.