Appintop — Mobile App Marketing

Appintop — Mobile App Marketing

04. Ashwin Venkatraman. InMobi. Native ads: how to increase conversions?

June 30, 2014

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Ashwin Venkatraman, director of product management

Company: Inmobi

Native ads on mobile devices blend seamlessly in the app content. According to InMobi, native ads are claimed to be 5 times more effective than banner ads and the native ad segment is estimated at $8-10 billion per year.

Founded in 2007, InMobi is a global mobile advertising network, backed with $216 million in venture investment. In April 2014 InMobi launched its native ad exchange. The company plans to invest $100 million over the next few years to develop its native ad platform.

We invited Ashwin Venkatraman, the director of product management at InMobi to talk about native ads.

The podcast is produced by AppInTop, automated mobile app marketing platform.Download