EcoFit Health Radio's Anxiety Coaches Podcast

EcoFit Health Radio's Anxiety Coaches Podcast

15: Jonathan Bailor Says Eat More and Exercise Less to Lose Weight

January 19, 2014

In this episode of EcoFit Health Radio Brian Sellers and Kevin Davis talk to Jonathan Bailor about his new book The Calorie Myth. We will be discussing sane foods, movement vs. exercise, and why calorie counting CAN'T be required.




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Brian Sellers MS is a counselor with with a master’s degree in counseling at the University of Montevallo in Alabama. He has experience working with anxiety and depression sufferers, drug and alcohol addiction, as well as those who have been physically and sexually abused. We are very excited about what Brian's knowledge of mental health, stress reduction, and addiction will contribute to the process of lifestyle change and overcoming addiction to the garbage foods common in the standard American diet!

Kevin Davis CSCS is a Lifestyle Fitness Coach who is also certified in sports nutrition, personal training, CrossFit, and strength and conditioning. He received his bachelor's degree in exercise science from Western Illinois University. Kevin has spent the last 12 years helping countless others lose 10-20-even100 or more pounds, change their lifestyle, and become more healthy. He also started by doing this himself...through a more primal lifestyle he was able to lose 80 pounds and gain health and self-confidence. We believe Kevin's knowledge of nutrition and human movement will be a great part of discussing the paleo template that we discuss here on EcoFit Health Radio!


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