Anvil Ministries Podcast: Empowering men to find their strength through discovery, and restoration.

Anvil Ministries Podcast: Empowering men to find their strength through discovery, and  restoration.

Podcast E12 The Matrix – Cypher

May 15, 2017

Podcast E12 The Matrix – Cypher
Below are the show notes, and should have the info you may want or missed when listening. Email me at and let me know what you think.
The Matrix Series Sponsor:
Intro song: (Modified) “Spy Break” by The Propellerheads
Podcast E12 The Matrix – Cypher
Hello, and Welcome to the Anvil Podcast E12! We are countinuing our series on The Matrix looking at the biblical lessons within and how to apply them to our lives.
If you havnt already – Check out any episodes you missed in this series.
Thanks for listening. Find Value. Listeners 15+
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This series is sponsored by Olive Branch Community Church in Corona CA.
This weeks episode we are going to be talking about one of the characters in the M – Cypher.
Obviously if you have not seen The Matrix this series will ruin it for you. Also the M came out in ’99, so if its been awhile since you’ve seen it, try and check it out. It will help the things we are going to talk about be a little more clear, and likely you’ll get more out of it.
In this series I have a challenge going on. I’d like you to start really truly considering who you are as a man. Start by taking some small steps today, and then everyday to start really taking an honest look at what kind of a man you are.
What kind of a man you think you are, what kind of man others think you are, and what kind of man God thinks you are.
For those of you that have been doing that, I pray that God has been revealing some good things to you, and bringing some clarity, and new perspective that you did not have before. Keep it up. There is more to discover.
With that lets get into it…
Topic- Cypher.
The first part of the series we talked about the Red Pill and the Blue Pill, and the power of choice we have as disciples of Christ. How Neo has to make a choice. One way or the other – he chooses. We do the same, initially to accept, and aknowledge that Christ is Lord – or not and we believe whatever we want to believe.
Last week we talked about the concept of “how there is no spoon.” Which is really about faith. So we looked at faith, what it is, and what it isn’t. How we need to have a biblical faith that includes wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Not a blind faith.
This episode we are taking a look at a specific character in the M – Cypher. He is not one of the main characters, but he is a important one.
In case it has been awhile since you have seen The Matrix, and you may have no idea who I am talking about – let me catch you up.
Cypher is essentially the Judas of the M. We don’t find out much about him until about halfway through the movie. This is before Neo goes to see the Oracle, and after his training. He can’t sleep and meandering around the ship he runs into Cypher.
They talk briefly about looking at the M in code, and how Morphious told Neo that he is the One. C is kinda dumbstruck with the whole idea of “The One”. They have a drink, and C gives Neo advice to not fight against the sentient program agents.
Just after their encounter you see C at a nice restaurant with one of the sentient programs – Agent Smith. You then learn C plan to betray Morphious, and the human race. All this in exchange for being able to forget it all, and have a “rich”, and “important” life lived in the M.
As Morphious’ crew enters the M to take Neo to see the Oracle we see C drop a cell phone in a near by trash can so the agents can trace its location. Which upon the return of the crew, we see the betrayal,