Anvil Ministries Podcast: Empowering men to find their strength through discovery, and restoration.

Anvil Ministries Podcast: Empowering men to find their strength through discovery, and  restoration.

Podcast E11 The Matrix – There Is No Spoon

May 07, 2017

Podcast E11 The Matrix – There Is No Spoon
Below are the show notes, and should have the info you may want or missed when listening. Email me at and let me know what you think.
The Matrix Series Sponsor:
Intro song: (Modified) “Spy Break” by The Propellerheads
Podcast E11 The Matrix – There is no spoon
Welcome- Hello, and Welcome to the Anvil Podcast E11! We are countinuing our series on The Matrix looking at the biblical lessons within and how to apply them to our lives.
If you havnt already – Check out some of our episodes you missed.
Pre roll-
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This FC series is sponsored by Olive Branch Community Church in Corona CA.
This weeks episode we are going to be talking about the meaning behind the concept that “there is no spoon”.
Obviously if you have not seen The Matrix this will ruin it for you. Also the M came out in ’99, so if its been awhile since you’ve seen it, try and check it out. It will help the things we are going to talk about be a little more clear.
In this series I have a challenge for you. I’d like you to start really considering who you are. Start taking small steps today, and hopefully a little everyday to start really taking an honest look at what kind of a man you are.
What kind of a man you think you are, what kind of man others think you are, and what kind of man God thinks you are.
With that lets get into it…
Topic- There is no spoon.
Last week we talked about the Red Pill and the Blue Pill, and the power of choice we have as disciples of Christ. How Neo has to make a choice. One way or the other – he chooses. We do the same, initially to accept, and aknowledge that Christ is Lord – or not and we believe whatever we want to believe.
Now, the gift that God has given us to choose does not end there. In fact that is where it begins. The choice to submit our will to Christ’s will is a daily, and sometimes a moment by moment choice.
And also like Neo, these choices don’t just effect us, but many others that in one way or another our lives influence. Easily this is our friends, our families, our Wives and children. It extends much farther then that though. Every person we have direct, or indirect contact with can influence them in some way.
This is why Christ wants us to “consider others better then our selves”. That person you cut off while driving, or that person you let in while driving impacts them in one way or another. When you interact with a cashier, you impact them. When you interact with your coworkers, you impact them. When you simply smile at someone, and acknowledge their presence you impact them.
Men let me tell you something you probably don’t realize – you have an incredible ability to influence others. For better or worse the choice is yours. It is ours, and what kind of way we choose to live as Disciples of Christ. So choose wisely.
It is the little choices we make that shape our lives closer to what God wants for us, or closer to what we want for us. The choice I want to talk to you about today is this concept that “There is no spoon”
In case it has been awhile since you have seen The Matrix, and you may have no idea what I am talking about – let me set the stage for you.
At roughly the half way point in the movie the main character Thomas Anderson aka Neo has just learned what the M is, and has received some basic training to exist and interact with the M. What he is introduced to is that the M is nothing more then an elaborate computer program,