Anvil Ministries Podcast: Empowering men to find their strength through discovery, and restoration.

Anvil Ministries Podcast: Empowering men to find their strength through discovery, and  restoration.

Anvil Ministries E8: Fight Club Series- The Man

March 27, 2017

Anvil Ministries E8: Fight Club Series- The Man
Below are the show notes, and should have the info you may want or missed when listening. Email me at and let me know what you think.
Fight Club Series Sponsor: Anthology.Church
Intro song: (Modified) “Corporate World” by The Dust Brothers
Hello, and Welcome to the Anvil Podcast E8!
We are near the end of our series on Fight Club. If you havnt already – Check out the episodes you missed.
Thanks for listening. Find Value. Listeners 15+
Learn more or follow us on FB or T @AnvilMen
This FC series is sponsored by Anthology Church.
Intro to Ep- This weeks episode we are continuing…
Lessons from the cult classic movie Fight Club.
So far in this series we’ve talked about – Memento Mori, the dangers of safe sanitized living, and Keeping up with the Jones’s. This week we are going to talk about The Man.
Before we get into the topic for today there is a challenge I have been asking you to do. That is to focus on one thing for the rest of this series. Or about 4 weeks depending on when you came into the PC.
One thing that you would like to change. One thing that is holding you back from living the life that God wants for you. Just one. If you have no idea what that one thing is, go back and E4. That should bring some clarity.
I hope you have been focusing on that over these next few weeks. Praying about it daily. Talk about it with others in your life, etc. As always you will only get out, what you put in here.
With that lets get into it…
The Man
You are who you want to be.
Today’s show is going to be a little different then our usual one. Today’s show is going to be a little more interactive. I am trying something a little new here, so let me know what you think. If you like it I’ll do more like these, if not, I’ll go back to more of what I have been doing.
Today’s topic is The Man. What I’d like to you do for a second is start thinking about the man you’d like to be. BE SPECIFIC. If you can write it down.
What kind of man would you like to be physically? Stronger? Bigger arms? Shoulders? Chest? How much would you like to bench? Or maybe your more of a calisthenics guy? You want to do 100 pushups? Or be more agile? Maybe you don’t care that much, just loose a few pounds, and feel a little better physically? It doesn’t matter to much, just that it is physically where you’d like to be. What do you look like? What kind of clothes do you wear? Would your work be any easier? Would playing sports be any easier? Maybe you don’t play any right now, but would you if you were exactly how you’d like to be physically? For those that are married, what would your wife think? Would your time in the bedroom be any different then it is today?
Take a second to really get that in your mind. Hold that for a sec as we move on to the next area.
What kind of man would you like to be mentally? Are you a smart guy? What if you were smarter? How would you like to be when it comes to your mind? What could you do if you were really on top of it mentally? Not foggy headed, or numb. How would it effect your work? How about your home life? And the other relationships in your life? How would they be if you were as sharp as a tack? Would you change careers? How would the relationships in your life be different?
How about emotionally? What kind of man would you like to be emotionally? How would you handle anger? How would you deal with depression, or anxiety? What about confidence, and self security? Or maybe your the kind of man that is emotionally numb. What would it be like to fully feel things like love,