Answer Me This!

Answer Me This!

Latest Episodes

retro AMT78
August 21, 2020

Let's go back to 4 December 2008 for Retro AMT78, when still seemed like a non-evil idea, fake news was just a bit of a laugh, and Olly invented something that has now become real but also something that hasn't but would still be a...

AMT388: Lolly Stick Jokes, Pizza Cutters, and Wombat Scat
August 06, 2020

Lolly Stick Jokes, Pizza Cutters, and Wombat Scat

retro AMT301
July 23, 2020

Let's go back to October 2014 for retro AMT301, to re-learn why the Chippendales are called the Chippendales, which hotels the Dalai Lama stays in, and what happened to Rock Circus. This episode originally appeared at . There'll be an all-new episode...

AMT387: Bear Nipples, Easy-Bake Ovens and Salmon Vending Machines
July 02, 2020

Bear Nipples, Easy-Bake Ovens and Salmon Vending Machines

retro AMT192
June 18, 2020

In your feed for one month only, it's retro AMT192, originally from 13 October 2011, featuring questions about the first ever YouTube video, the other brick road in The Wizard of Oz, royal towns, and getting a secret vasectomy after accompanying kids...

AMT386: Dirty Doormats, Sitcom Sets, and Handheld Indulgence Ice Cream
June 05, 2020

Dirty Doormats, Sitcom Sets, and Handheld Indulgence Ice Cream

retro AMT130
May 22, 2020

In your feed for one month only, it's retro AMT130! Wherein we learn how canned tuna is cooked; the origins of port and starboard; your forebears bequeathing things to you while they're still alive; which came first, the McChicken Nugget or the Egg...

AMT385: Cold Toast, Intimate Bleaching and Rickrolling
May 08, 2020

Cold Toast, Intimate Bleaching and Rickrolling

retro AMT171
April 23, 2020

Let's shuffle back to 2011 with retro AMT171, in which we wonder whether Steps will reunite (they did!), whether you can make use of a broken teapot (you can!) and what it would be like to have a playdate with Bob Dylan (still TBD!) This episode...

AMT384: Leopard Print, Badger Repellent, and a Fortress of Toasters
April 02, 2020

Leopard Print, Badger Repellent, and a Fortress of Toasters