Another Question

Another Question

Latest Episodes

August 04, 2015

July 21, 2015

13th Age Blades in the Dark Call of Cthulhu D&D Don’t Rest Your Head Dread Exalted Exile Fate Feng Shui Geiger Counter Lacuna Mage: The…

July 07, 2015

Non-player characters. Apocalypse World: Dark Ages Sagas of the Icelanders Lamentations of the Flame Princess Apocalypse World Pendragon Dungeon World Burning Wheel Dungeons & Dragons

June 23, 2015

The experiences we want to have. Dungeons and Dragons Burning Wheel Marvel Superheroes Powers for Good Mutants and Masterminds Champions Microscope Dungeon World Apocalypse World Dungeon…

June 09, 2015

This one’s a long one. Meandering through errata and board games and technology. – D&D (as always), inc. AD&D, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 5.0, and Moldvay.…

May 26, 2015

What should you do about character death? AD&D Apocalypse World Burning Wheel Call of Cthulhu D&D 4e Dread Dungeon Crawl Classics Dungeon World Fate Heavy…

May 12, 2015

“Not enough cyber, or not enough punk?” The Twilight Zone (1959, Serling) D&D (1974, Gygax and Arneson) Moldvay D&D (1977, Moldvay) Star Wars (1977, Lucas)…

April 14, 2015

How do you start a new campaign? Somewhat inspired by Wil Wheaton’s upcoming RPG Show, we took a look at the beginning of roller coasters.…

April 02, 2015

This one’s a long one.

March 17, 2015

Tags and cool show notes forthcoming, but we recorded this one late. Fits the theme, I think. - TODO: Games. For now, see the tags list.