The Pawz Cauze Show

The Pawz Cauze Show

10,000 Candles for Yulin Dogs and Cats

June 30, 2016

The vast majority of Chinese support ending dog slaughter, but their government is not listening. We have the power to add to their voices. Global support alongside undercover investigations have successfully halted these festivals in the past. We are aiming to do that again this year through large demonstrations and a social media campaign #YulinChallenge and #YulinIsEverywhere.

Every year, 10,000 dogs and cats are brutally beat, tortured and then murdered for meat for Yulin's dog meat festival. These dogs and cats are often stolen from families who love them and are slaughtered with their collars still on. But we have the power to stop this. Join us as we support the Chinese activists leading the campaign against dog meat - marking the last day of the festival - to hold vigil for the innocent animals murderedin Yulin.

Nearly all people in both China and in the US don't want to hurt animals, and both countries have activists risking their freedom to help make the world better for all animals. (the above was taken from their event page on facebook. Join here)

We are kicking off the event online and the event in Texas will begin at 8pm EST USA. So get your candles ready and have your pets by your side and let's allow our energy to be carried by the smoke of the candle into the air to join millions of others world wide so our cries may be heard and animals be saved.

This show is sponsored by Candlelicious. All natural soy candles with cotton wicks poured in the USA with jewelry inside! A surprise in every candle!

Pawz up!