Angier Primitive Baptist Church Audio Sermons

Angier Primitive Baptist Church Audio Sermons

Latest Episodes

The Pharisees Rebuked (Mark 7:1-13)
August 20, 2013


Many Disciples Fall Away (John 6:60-71)
August 12, 2013


The bread of life sermon by Jesus Christ (commentary on John 6)
July 29, 2013

When Christ fed the multitudes through a miracle, the people fell in love with him. They immediately desired to make him their king.However, they didn't want a king to serve. They wanted a king who would serve them. They wanted the benefits of Christ's po

At the heart of Christianity is a willingness to receive and serve
July 08, 2013

As Christ prepared his apostles for their ministries, he told them what they were to do (Matt. 10:5-15), what they were to expect (Matt. 10:16-23), and what the burdens of their calling would be like (Matt. 10:24-39).Though Jesus had said they would find