Slaying The Status Quo In Total Style

Slaying The Status Quo In Total Style

Manifesting Your Misery

December 24, 2019

It seems like “manifestation” is such a buzzword right now and there are people from both sides having arguments that don’t need to be had. But listen up people, manifesting is not something that is up for debate. It’s actually just a fact. What are you creating in your reality? I want you to just sit within yourself and think for a second, “What are all the shit things in my life that I am attracting?” Just as easily as you can manifest good things in your life, you can sit and wallow in the filth and the lies and the excuses, and keep yourself stuck in a place you do not wish to me. You can manifest the good and the bad.

You need to understand that there is so much happening in you and around you at all times. You are a fucking living black hole, and whether you use that voracious and that vitality to attract everything you want or everything you don’t want. That magnetism is not up for debate. It’s a fact.

Humans have made self-sabotage their unique art form and it’s a tragedy. Don’t keep yourself stuck, complaining, cynical and unwilling to try new things. Don’t manifest your own misery.

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