Slaying The Status Quo In Total Style

Slaying The Status Quo In Total Style

Jane Hardwicke Collings - Rebel With A Cun* Of A Cause

October 23, 2019

We’re about to have a conversation that is going to be oozing so much witchy woman warrior goddess queen shi$ that you might melt into a puddle of lava. Please get a change of panties, get your wand, get a journal because we have the phenomenal Jane Hardwicke Collings on the podcast today. Jane is a grandmother, midwife, teacher, writer and menstrual educator. She gives workshops in Australia and internationally on mother and daughter preparation for menstruation, the spiritual practice of menstruation, and the sacred dimensions of pregnancy, birth and menopause – a modern day Women’s Mysteries Teacher.


We get down and dirty on so many topics here and the work that Jane has done for woman throughout her career is just so impressive. You can easily forget that Jane grew up in a time when resistance to the kind of work she does was rampant, because she speaks in a way that makes you feel as if it was easy. She helped to pave the way for us to rise up and come into our power, and start the rebellion that we need to have in order to be empowered. We need to leave the earth better than we found it, and create a positive experience around the magic that our bodies have for those that come after. It’s an emergency.


To learn more about Jane, please head to her websites: