Ancient History Hound

Ancient History Hound

Latest Episodes

Helots of Sparta
May 21, 2023

The helots of Sparta were a people who were indispensible for the Spartan state. But what did they do, how had Sparta acquired them and how did it go about controlling this population? Episode notes (

Archaic Athens and democracy.
April 10, 2023

At the beginning of the 6th century BC Athens was in crisis and by the end of it there was a new political system in place. In this episode I discuss the changes, characters and events which occured.

The Lupercalia.
February 12, 2023

The Lupercalia was literally run on on the 15th February in ancient Rome. Apart from the nudity, running and goathide thongs there's a lot going on here. Indeed the Roman writers seem unsure of how it

Romans in Scotland: The Campaigns with Dr Andrew Tibbs.
February 03, 2023

In the second of two episodes on Roman Scotland the chat turns to the three main campaigns which Rome undertook there. What was Rome trying to achieve? What do we really know about them? How did they

Romans in Scotland: Fortifications with Dr Andrew Tibbs.
January 15, 2023

In the first of two episodes on Roman Scotland Dr Andrew Tibbs unwraps the different types of fortifications the Romans built. From the large forts through to the small watchtowers we can learn a lot

Minisode. The Haloa
December 18, 2022

In the depths of winter a festival took place which celebrated the goddess Demeter, the Haloa. It was an all woman affair with drinking, fire and an all night feast. Oh, and rude language was a must.

Rise of the Gladiator
December 03, 2022

How did gladiators take hold in Rome? Where did they come from and how was their use moulded by the big political events of the 1st century BC? In this episode I get into this and other aspects such a

Night of the Livy Dead: The Greek Underworld.
October 22, 2022

Another #NightofTheLivyDead episode and this time it's a look at the Greek Underworld. What was the journey there like? What happened in it and what's with singing amphibians? From Odysseus to Orpheus

Night of the Livy Dead Minisode: Werewolves in Greece and Rome.
October 16, 2022

There are two main stories concerning werewolves in Greece and Rome and in this minisode I briefly cover them. What went on on Mount Lykaion exactly and how did the werewolf differ from our modern int

'Mad Honey'.
October 02, 2022

In this minisode I talk about two disasters which befell a Greek and Roman army due to something you can put on your toast. How did it happen and why? I also cover a nasty way to speed up a siege and