Analyse Asia with Bernard Leong

Analyse Asia with Bernard Leong

Latest Episodes

Expanding Solana to the International Community & Web3 Investing with Akshay BD
February 19, 2023

"So one way to think about crypto is a group of people come together and they have a vision of the future, and they're betting on that fork of the future through collective capital. So some folks thin

HERE Technologies and Digital Map-Making in the Asia Pacific with Jason Jameson
February 12, 2023

"Mapping the world is really an infinite exercise. We're on this journey to create this digital representation of the physical world - buildings, places, things, everything. This is going to be very c

Qualtrics & Experience Management in the Asia Pacific with Brigid Archibald
February 01, 2023

"I think there are three main things. The first is the continuation of the strategic investments that we are making across the regions in the markets that we serve. The second one is an acceleration o

True Global Ventures & Web3 Investment Outlook in 2023 with Kelly Choo
January 24, 2023

I think great looks like a combination of a few things. We always talk about how a startup hits product market fit and then essentially gets a flywheel going in terms of value and everything. So I th

InsurTech in the Asia Pacific with George Kesselman
January 15, 2023

"So there's a tremendous amount of friction that exists there because I think we're still at the point where we're. We're using traditional insurance products that have been invented in the 1970s and

Climate Alpha with Parag Khanna
January 01, 2023

"The vision is to future proof global real estate. Now why real estate? One thinks that it's just one industry, right? Well, it's 300 trillion dollars. There is no asset class, no industry that is rem

Genesis' potential insolvency & FTX collapse with Cosmo Jiang
December 21, 2022

"Yes FTX was a very large institutional player, Genesis whatever happens out there was a very large institutional player and so it'll take a lot of time for the fallout to fully play out. But just tak

The State of China in 2022 with Shai Oster
December 13, 2022

"If you look at over 30 years, China equities have returned zero, basically gone up and gone back down to where it was 30 years ago. It was shocking. So the other thing that is hard to believe, I thi

The 3AC Demise with Kyle Davies
December 07, 2022

"What we did instead is we did not. The market rallied. We were just clouded in our judgment and we were not scaling the firm the way we should have. So that was probably one big one. The other one wa

Polygon with Sandeep Nailwal
December 04, 2022

"For me, it's only about daily active users. I feel in the next five years, especially for the whole ecosystem. I'm not talking about Polygon first - let's say for the whole blockchain ecosystem In [