An American Warning

An American Warning

Things Are Not As Peachy As They Seem – AAW DTN 1

August 13, 2017

Things are simply not as peachy as they seem. We’ll start with Eric Parker who was told that he couldn’t reference his constitutional rights and could testify only about what he saw during specific moments of the standoff. Once he tried, he was pulled from the stand. We’ll discuss.
Prepper goods are flying off the shelves across this country.
Things are progressing just as the model suggested and this includes economic indicators. Though, you probably wouldn’t know that by looking at the latest hype. Goldman Sachs economists have now said that the job market is doing better than they expected and that it is doing so well that it could “overshoot” full employment. They went as far to say that their forecast for unemployment next year will be as low 3.8 percent, which is down from their previous estimate of 4.1 percent. That sound terrific! But things are a lot grimmer than they appear.
The Warnings keep rolling in –
Tech stocks signaled market sell-off, still most vulnerable sector. Charts have been showing warning signs of weakness for the Nasdaq 100 since the spring.
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan issued a bold warning Friday that the bond market is on the cusp of a collapse that also will threaten stock prices. In a CNBC interview, the longtime central bank chief said the prolonged period of low interest rates is about to end and, with it, a bull market in fixed income that has lasted more than three decades.
CNBC – Warning: A correction in the market is “inevitable” and there are three key factors that could spark chaos on Wall Street, according to James Advantage Fund president Barry James. The investor likened the market to Yellowstone National Park’s famous super volcano, which many believe is close to eruption.
And so on…
I will also talk about the Big Five and how ALL OF THEM are now in the news. Should we be paying more attention?
All this and more. Don’t forget to check out my new book Destroying the Narrative – Looking into the Gray. You’re going to love it. :
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