An American Warning

An American Warning

Is 2017 When People Finally See? An American Warning 230

January 18, 2017

Welcome to An American Warning Radio / Podcast #230 – Is 2017 When People Finally See?
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On today’s podcast we’ll discuss the following:
▶ General News: The prepper movement is gaining a decisively liberal following. At least 39 people have been shot across Chicago over the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday weekend, leaving 10 dead. Governments feel they are losing control and authority over communications. Obama is trying to hurt Trump’s administration.
▶ Economics: The idea of guaranteed monthly living allowance via government. Trump could cut government employment by as high as 20%. Trump says our dollar is “too strong”. James Deporre says the potential for a major trend change is as high as it has been in many years. Charles Nenner thinks 2017 could come with some major issues.
▶ Global Issues: U.S. Marines Arrive in Norway, Lithuania signs an agreement with the United States formalizing the presence of U.S. troops in their country and Polish leaders welcomed U.S. troops to their country Saturday. Russia responded to the arrival of U.S. troops by deploying advanced S-400 anti-aircraft missiles around Moscow and plans to deploy four more units later this year. China is really beginning to pound their chest… and we should be paying attention.
▶ Health: A female in her 70s died from an infection caused by (CRE), bacteria that was resistant to all available antibiotics. This potentially deadly bacteria may be spreading more widely—and more stealthily—than previously thought according to recent studies.
This and a whole lot more!!!
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