The David Aladdin Show - Building Billion Dollar e-Commerce Companies, Amazon Private Label, FBA, Sh

The David Aladdin Show - Building Billion Dollar e-Commerce Companies, Amazon Private Label, FBA, Sh

AS 88: Inside the mind of Kevin King who’s pulled 3 Million so far selling on Amazon FBA

May 31, 2017

Kevin has been an entrepreneur his entire life. It's been 30 years since he last received a paycheck from someone else. He has created, developed and guided hundreds of products from inception to market. In 2015, he started five private label brands on Amazon. Together those brands have grossed more than $3,000,000.00. His goal is to reach $4,000,000.00 per year on Amazon alone by the end of 2017.

In this episode, you'll learn:

How Kevin pulls 3 Million+ sales a year

* How Kevin picks his products
* Types of products Kevin has had success and failed with
* What most sellers do and what not to do
* How Kevin uses tools, strategies and knowledge to grow his business
* How he is expanding outside of Amazon
* Inner workings of his business, his execution and mindset
* Why he has 5 brands
* How he markets his products
* What he did before selling on Amazon and e-Commerce
* How he creates molds for products
* How much he started with

And much more! Stay tuned for transcript

Notable notes:

Link for how to add two products to cart: