

EP34: Benefits of Being Advocates with Sameena Kluck

October 11, 2018

The old world of law firms establishing decades-long relationships with clients who pay whatever invoice is sent and send repeat business to their long-trusted outside counsel is over. Today, competition for corporations’ work is stiffer than ever with long-time counsel fighting many entrants on the market. Additionally, the path to partnership is taking longer than ever. Many attorneys are missing out on building both the law firms’ brand and their own personal brand through social media. In this talk from the 2018 AMPlify Conference, Sameena Kluck, Strategic Account Executive with Thomson Reuters discusses how lawyers and law firms can take the next step to engaging clients and building their brands through social media.

What You’ll Learn:

• Why and how in-house legal folks are using social media

• How law firm attorneys should engage with clients on social media

• How attorneys can engage with potential clients or leaders in their industries

• Why associates can and should build their brand and show their leadership to their own firm leaders through social media


Connect with Sameena on LinkedIn or on Twitter @SameenaKluck