America's Jobs Team

America's Jobs Team

Episode 174: How Can You Continue Leveling Up Your Leadership Skills?

December 02, 2021

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” –Barack Obama

As this year comes to a close and a new year looms, lots of people are thinking about new year’s resolutions, setting goals for next year, and working on strategies to become a better leader. And while “be a better leader” can feel incredibly broad, the key lies in naming what good leadership looks like to you. What feels authentic? How do you want to show up? Once you have answers there, you can build your plan.

Carla Sones and Faye Davis dive into some tried-and-true (and research-backed) ways for people to level up their leadership. From advice regarding time management and delegating to closing the door on the rumor mill, the topics addressed during their conversation are very broad. Constant learning, empowering critical thinking skills in others, and leadership coaching; these all come up and play their own part in bringing a person’s leadership skills to the next level.

A lot of people struggle to find a leadership style that not only works for them but also resonates with their team. If you’re trying to figure out how to be the best you while leading your community, today’s episode is chockful of great questions to ask yourself in order to start bridging your gap between who you currently are and who you strive to be. Listen in now!

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