American Mansy Podcast

American Mansy Podcast

AMP 129 - Have You Relapsed Back Into Mansy?

March 07, 2014

You thought you had beaten it. You listened to this podcast and thought you had gotten rid of Mansy forever. Now, you’re in a new relationship. Bad habits and old patterns have fired up again. In a long-term relationship or marriage, Mansy has reared its head. Again. How did this happen? How did something that was so clear become so central in your life again? The bad news – the temptation for Mansy always exists. The good news – your daily vigilance can keep it in remission forever. But it requires recognition, effort and hard work. And it’s important to recognize the signs of Mansy’s return. In this episode:

- Mansy’s life source is laziness
- inaction always brings about bad judgment
- there’s no greater fix than telling the truth
- the number one sign that you have relapsed
- how Uncle Todd & Dave The Masshole almost relapsed themselves

Have You Relapsed Back Into Mansy? It’s not the end of the world – only the end of freedom and happiness.