American Mansy Podcast

American Mansy Podcast

AMP 110 - How To Be A New Father With No Help

October 03, 2013

When you drive away from the hospital as a new dad, you cross a new frontier. Life will never be the same. You must set new goals, new benchmarks for yourself that you must hit on a daily basis. And it’s just the three of you – baby, your wife or girlfriend, and you. Alone. All of your family is out of town. Which friends do you listen to? What must you accept and ignore? When you have nothing to go on, what direction should you go in? After eighteen months of fatherhood, Dave The Masshole shares all of the things you need to know – and to avoid – when it comes to being a new father. In this episode:

-       How uncertainty strengthens the foundation of your family

-       How your instincts always trump logic

-       How to manage the perception of your friends

-       Why you must look after your wife’s well being

-       The importance of mom taking breaks

-       Why you think you aren’t doing enough

-       Why you should never forget to eat

-       The importance of taking care of yourself

How To Be A Father With No Help. You must show strength at all times. Mansy isn’t an option.