America Trends Podcast

America Trends Podcast

EP 724 Artificial Intelligence is a Thing of the Present: What Can We Expect Going Forward?

January 10, 2024


Artificial intelligence(AI) took on a decidely greater importance with the commercial application of ChatGPT about a year ago.  And though this is not the Stone Age of AI, its development is in its early stages and we’re all wondering what form and impact it will have on our work lives and human interactions altogether.  Policymakers are studying its possible effects so that any of the dsytopian visions made popular in science fiction do not come about and economists and educators are looking at it to determine if it will create more challenges than solutions in this fast changing world.  Ed Watal, the founder and principal of Intellibus, an IT strategy consultancy with 65 transformation consultants, joins us to do a deep dive into the possibilities and challenges that come with the greater adoption of AI in a host of settings.  His clear vision of AI’s potential offers hope for human empowerment in the period ahead.