The Ron Kitchens Always Forward Leadership Podcast

The Ron Kitchens Always Forward Leadership Podcast

289: From Strategy to Execution

October 06, 2021

Strategy and execution both have great value, but as leaders, we must avoid the trap of the "strategy loop"--that is, getting stuck in the strategy phase and not being able to move into execution. Listen today as Shannon and I discuss the importance of GREAT strategy and GREAT execution.

In Today's Episode

  1. What is the importance and value of strategy?
  2. What does strategy actually involve? What questions should be asked during the strategy phase?
  3. What are some of the biggest hindrances to execution?
  4. How does a leader ensure that ideas don't just get executed, but that they get executed WELL?
  5. How do leaders overcome a track record of NOT executing and rebuild trust with their teams?