Alpha Nerds Podcast

Alpha Nerds Podcast

ANP162: I Want Your Flesh Rocket In My Hot Pocket

April 06, 2014

Dungeon Master Ben takes a beating,

April 25th New Vegas Date!!,

Fan Questions!!

Cancelled Comicon plans,

Aaron James House of Dozer Podcast, Thoughts on Elder’s Scrolls,

Alpha Nerds best physical and mental qualities!,

Live Alpha Nerds!

Luka’s Spider bite in the Gluteus Maximus!!!

Switching tops challenge and talking BIG!,

Walking Dead and rape,

The fate of Beth,

How Darryl becomes a wuss,


Walking Dead Spinoff in the works!,

Game of Thrones returns!!!,

Goonies sequel confirmed!

Originals vs remakes! Example Sam Raimi Films, Army of Darkness!

James Franco seeing a 17 year old tagged on Instagram,

Gina B.’s Female Pickup lines,,

Guys need to know according to Cosmo,

Top 3 doable actors/ Actresses,

Jadababy’s Facebook, keeping it personal versus her pages,

Burning Rose Studios!!! for graphics!


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