Almost Relevant Podcast

Almost Relevant Podcast

Almost Relevant Episode 008: 50 Shades of Autumn

March 09, 2015

You may have guessed what our topic is today from the title, we will be talking about 50 Shades of Grey, both the book and recent movie.  The best part is we are joined by Autumn Lokerson from, who also shares a lot of information about a real healthy BDSM lifestyle, as well as how 50 Shades of Grey is NOT healthy, nor is it really BDSM.  Because we do delve into topics very much sexual in nature, listener discretion advised.

Alright, now that that's out of the way, I wanted to say what an honor it was to have Autumn on our podcast.  She is very knowledgeable and has opened both Elliott's and my eyes on a subject we really knew very little about.  Best of all she agrees with us that 50 Shades of Grey is pretty horrible!

Before you get mad at me and close the website because you love 50 Shades, the podcast does revolve around the differences between the book and movie, as well as why we thought it was bad.

We also get a chance to talk with Autumn about her personal experiences within a healthy BDSM relationship, such as what it really is, what it isn't, what it's like to live the lifestyle with teenagers in the house, and a lot more!


If you'd like more information on BDSM or Autumn herself, you can find her website at as well as on twitter @autumn_in_jeans.


Off Topic Picks:

Elliott: Music by Ludovico Einaudi

Autumn: The Invisibilia Podcast

Jeremy: Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope

Have something to say to Autumn or a comment about the podcast?  Want to share your stories of your most exciting sexual moments (you don't have to limit it to BDSM!)?  Leave one below!