Your Confident Self

Your Confident Self

Latest Episodes

The Strange Power Of Listening To Understand
November 11, 2022

Most people listen with the intent to do one thing- respond to what is being said. While responding is expected in communication, responses can be affected by how well we listen.

Your Love Language is a Form of Communication
November 10, 2022

According to Gary Chapman, each of us is fulfilled by our love languages. In a perfect world, we can communicate worth and value to others by studying and performing their love language, while they do the same for us. Paying closer attention to your love

The Most Important Thing Effective Leaders Have in Common--Communication
November 09, 2022

The most important thing effective leaders have in common is their communication skills. Being a leader requires a lot of skill sets. Being able to communicate well is at the top of the list. If you're in leadership and you can't convey a message, bring p

How to Use Nonverbal Cues for More Confident Communication
November 08, 2022

Think of communication like a dance. The words we use are just a small part of the whole picture. Our body language, the tone of our voice, and even the way we stand all say something about what we're trying to communicate.

Pick your Battles - How to Communicate with Difficult People
November 07, 2022

Not every battle is worth your energy. Save your energy for the fights that matter most. If someone is trying to be difficult for no good reason, being silent and refusing to engage is a perfectly acceptable option. In the end it will save a lot of headac

Self-Care is Amazing: It Makes You A More Confident Communicator
November 06, 2022

Sometimes there are demands on your life that make self-care nearly impossible. As a result, self-care gets shoved way down the list of things youd like to do but cant or dont. Sometimes this is temporary or situational and other times it becomes

How Role Models Help Develop Better Communication Skills
November 05, 2022

Confident communicators are influenced by other confident people. No one knows how to do life completely on their own. There's no instruction manual handed out when we are born. We learn about life and all there is to know through things that are taught a

Bad Communication Habits Can Be Broken
November 04, 2022

In episode 85 I shared how your childhood can impact your communication style. Maybe your communication skills need some work and you have bad habits that should be broken. That's ok! You can always develop better communication skills. The first step

How to Sound Like a Confident Woman
November 03, 2022

There's nothing like communicating with a confident woman who is secure in herself. Confident women communicate with ease and leave people feeling better after spending time with them. Wouldn't it be nice to feel your best every time you communicate? You

How Your Childhood Sabotaged Your Communication Style
November 02, 2022

Your parents didn't do this on purpose but they may have sabotaged your communication style. If you find that you have difficulty communicating or often find yourself at odds with other people, it could be that your childhood sabotaged your communication