All Things SimpleREV: A Community of Simplicity

All Things SimpleREV: A Community of Simplicity

Why “Free and Easy” Make It Hard To Live Simply – ATSR007

July 30, 2014

When’s the last time you picked up a "free and easy" tool and then paid the price because you couldn't put it down?

It happens to us (and just about everyone else) all the time.

With so many distractions vying for our attention – many of them positive in moderation – we need to remember that, while something may seem free and easy, it doesn't come without cost. For instance, Facebook, WordPress for blogging, and YouTube come to mind.

We can now communicate globally, permanently, and instantly. We can also talk privately, fleetingly, and without real-time restrictions (e.g., Snapchat) All it takes is Internet access or a mobile network and we’re using free and easy tools all day every day.

So if you always have the potential to create something amazing, how can you avoid the constant temptation to get sucked into a vague promise of impact? If you can write a 500-word blog post and instantly be adored by thousands, how do you turn that possibility down when the opportunity costs are tough to weigh?

The problem is focusing our lives on the potential in front of us instead of what's literally in front of us: our family, our health, and so on. No one wants to live life chasing their tail. That’s why Dan and Joel discuss how they justify – as a simple living enthusiasts, minimalists, or someone who values contentment and gratitude – doing more when their "more" might never amount to anything.

Join us for this "free and easy" conundrum and tell us about your challenges or questions on the topic. Share a comment in the show notes, leave a note on iTunes, or hit us up on the SimpleREV Facebook page.
What Talent Can YOU Share with the SimpleREV Community?
Dan and Joel are bootstrapping SimpleREV 2014 and need your help. Are you a videographer, photographer, PowerPoint presentation pro, or have some other talent that our movement could use? Here's your chance to make a difference and get your fingerprints all over SimpleREV!

Get involved behind-the-scenes with your skills, passion, and mindset.
SimpleREV 2014 Ticket Giveaway
If it's not already clear, we want you to join us and other simple living enthusiasts at SimpleREV 2014 on October 3-4 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

We also want you to inspire and connect with the SimpleREV community. So we announced three distinct ticket giveaways over three weeks, July 21 - August 10, to get everyone even more excited for two intimate days of simplicity.

Click here for all the details on each giveaway, the deadlines to enter, and how to win.
SimpleREV Specifics
Mark your calendars for SimpleREV on October 3-4, 2014 in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the University of St. Thomas downtown campus. Tons of people, all passionate about simplicity, will be there ... and we want you there too!

If you want to get super deep into simple living, you can get involved by:

* Leading a workshop. Read the FAQ first, and then submit your proposal here.
* Attending. As of publishing this podcast episode, there are still some discounted tickets. Your tickets are right here.
* Joining the newsletter. This is as insider as it gets. Subscribe to our email list.

If you want to reach us, you can send an email to or Also, say "Hi!" on Twitter @simple_rev or connect with us,