Alive and Still Married – HPN

Alive and Still Married – HPN

Alive and Still Married 14 The Right Age to Marry

April 24, 2015

Get caught up on yet another gap in our weekly podcast. Life crowds our time with house guests, moving things around, and good news from doctors.

The topic is about how old someone ought to be before getting married.

The legal age of 18 is old enough to make life decision, but the individual level of maturity is what really matters. . The national average is between 25 to 27 years old. Is that too old? What benefits are there to waiting? What benefits are there to marrying early?

With age comes a level of maturity from life experience. Waiting until after any schooling is out of the way is most ideal. So if college, or an advanced degree is in your future... wait.

Whether waiting, or marrying early, it pays to study books on marriage, know your mate, their family, values, ethics, and more. The younger you plan to marry, the more critical it ois tpo do that homework.

Robin shares some statistics on marriage ages in other countries, and religious cultures. Some ages are remarkably young. Even in cultures like that, there's still typically a recognized legal age, with 18 being the most common age for marriage.

Marrying young offers benefits that include being happier, having more sex, and fewer problems with alcohol. Also having more energy to enjoy those young energetic kids, then enjoying grand kids at a relatively young age.

We have more stastics on age averages for people from as far back as the 1800's until now.


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