Alive and Still Married – HPN

Alive and Still Married – HPN

Alive and Still Married 33 Basic Building Blocks of a Loving Marriage

March 22, 2017

Join us at the kitchen table, slightly noisy refrigerator and all, and listen as we discuss a few basics of marriage. The topics work in any relationship as well. At home, with kids, parents, and even at work. After we get warmed up, we focus on 3 foundational points.
1. Be glad for what you have. Proverbs 5:18

Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth,

Sometimes a great start in the youth of life might lead to frustrations and problems later. Conflict is normal, and OK, as long as you work through it to grow together. Nobody becomes the grumpy one all by themselves. Both parties play a part over time to lead to where they are now. Can things be made the way they were? Possibly not, but at least appreciate where you are, and who you’re there with. Work to make the relationship the best you can make it. Remember the good times, and the good in the other person.
2. Be humble, not self centered. Philippians 2:3

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

Be considerate of the other person, even when you don’t want to, but do it with a humble attitude. Be their number one fan. Listen to complaints, and show love. Identifying a problem is the key. Don’t worry about fixing things, just be sympathetic and patient. Rejoice in the things your spouse finds victory in. try to fix it in one sitting. There could be more than just the
3. Attitude makes the difference. Colossians 3:19

Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them.

Being harsh might also mean bitter, regardless, tone of voice and body language speaks volumes over any words that are spoken. Say it, but mean it, and show it. Soft words go a lot farther than those said grudgingly. The kind of emotional love that makes a great romance fades. It comes and goes. Be a student of your spouse, and remember their good traits. Write them down, count them off, name them, but do what it takes to refresh your attitude, and get back to strengthening those bonds of that close relationship.
Robin also shares a recipe for Beginners White Bread. Listen for the recipe. Make it, and drop us a line to tell us how it worked out.
There’s no word of the week, but send in your answer to the trivia question.
What kind of animal did Esau hunt?
A. Lion.
B. Snake.
C. Deer.
D. Bear
Note: Bible verses are from the English Standard Version (ESV).