Alive and Still Married – HPN

Alive and Still Married – HPN

Alive and Still Married 32 Persistent Kindness

March 06, 2017

We’re back after close to being out of the podcast world for a year. Robin and Keith give a quick overview of events in our lives in the past year. Summer camps, activities at church, new grand baby, and more.
To transition to the main topic for the day, we end up adding a mini topic on the decline of marriages, and people who either don’t stay together, or don’t bother with getting married. What kind of confusion might that present for future generations?
Managing to arrive to a point, we discuss the importance of recognizing the work the other spouse brings to the marriage and family to keep it going. Often it seems the other person isn’t contributing much at all. Often you’d be wrong. How can a married person show kindness and some consideration?
We’re running out of time, but we bring back the segments of Recipe with Robin, with her version of: Potato Soup, with Greens.
As we get ready to close it out, Keith brings a quick word of the week.