Block Bluster!

Block Bluster!

“The Cars That Ate Paris”

July 23, 2015

Warning: This movie is actually about a small town in Australia called Paris and no cars actually eat anything.

This week, Reels & Wheels takes a journey into the bizarre and intellectual as Sid and James try to sort out the somewhat obscure horror/comedy The Cars That Ate Paris. Mad Max brought us to this place. George Miller's use of spiked VW Beetles in Fury Road was a tribute to his friend Peter Weir, and his bizarre 1974 movie, which featured a chrome-painted, spike-covered VW.

What does the Beetle really represent? What is Weir trying to say about the automobile's impact on small town society? Want to watch this movie for free? (It's right here (!) The Cars That Ate Paris features some A+ satire and deep statements about 1970s Australian society's relationship with its youth and its treatment of the Aborigines. And did we mention the spike-covered VW?

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(Image: New Line Cinema)