AikiCast-The Planet's First and Only Podcast about Aikido, Life, and all things Martial!

AikiCast-The Planet's First and Only Podcast about Aikido, Life, and all things Martial!

AC-Q&A Session 4

February 18, 2015

In this episode of the AikiCast question and answer session, Blaine tackles 2 big topics: starting your own martial arts business and what to do about the current state of police abuses in the U.S.
The first question from Paolo is about being a full time instructor and whether or not I recommend it. I give him my personal experiences from starting and running several businesses over the past 20 years and how to start a martial arts business, run it successfully and still maintain your passion for the art.
The second question from Chris is about the current situations we see almost every week where somebody is either abused or killed by the police and what my thoughts are. I give him my viewpoint as a trainer of law enforcement as well as an informed citizen and concealed carry proponent. 
This episode is filled to the brim so get ready for some action!