A History of Europe, Key Battles

A History of Europe, Key Battles

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67.2 Crimean War 1853 - Beginning
June 10, 2022

The Ottoman Sultans attempt to reform their army and state, under pressure from outside powers, most notably Tsar Nicholas I of Russia, who lays claim to protecting Orthodox Christians within the Ottoman Empire. The Crimean War begins when Russia invades

67.1 Crimean War 1853 - Background
June 03, 2022

The powers of Europe, especially Britain and France are concerned by the decline of the Ottoman Empire and growing power and ambition of Russia. This episode focuses on the problems of the Ottoman Sultan Mahmud II, who descendants once ruled a mighty empi

66.4 Revolution of 1848 - Conclusion
April 29, 2022

Revolutionary breaks out across Europe continent from France to Romania, Denmark to Italy. Slowly the authorities regained control but were unable to reverse all of the changes. Most governments, for example, kept some form of constitution, and liberals w

66.3 Revolutions of 1848
April 22, 2022

In the first months of 1848, a tidal wave of revolution shook the political establishment of Europe to its foundations Events began with an uprising in Sicily in January, and by the end of the year the entire continent had been affected to some degree, in

66.2 French Revolution of July 1830, and Greek War of Independence
April 15, 2022

King Charles X of France is overthrown and replaced by his cousin Louis Philippe, Duke of Orléans. Meanwhile a 10 month long insurrection in Poland is crushed by the Russians. In the retribution which followed, eighty-thousand Poles are dragged off i

66.1 Congress of Vienna 1814, Post Napoleonic War Period
April 08, 2022

The Congress of Vienna 1814 at the end of the long Napoleonic Wars led to a period of relative peace on the continent of Europe. A network of institutions was established known as the ‘Concert of Europe’ where differences could be thrashed out before lead

65.3 Napoleon's Invasion of Russia 1812
March 18, 2022

The French army invades Russia. The Russians retreat deep into their own territory then confront the French at the inconclusive Battle of Borodino of September 1812. Napoleon leads his men into Moscow but is forced to abandon the city and return westwards

65.2 Napoleon's Conquest of Central Europe, and the Peninsular War
March 11, 2022

The French invade Prussia and capture its capital Berlin, and then move into Poland and take Warsaw. Napoleon and Tsar Alexander then agreed the Treaties of Tilsit. The greatest resistance to French d

65.1 Napoleonic Wars - Intro
March 04, 2022

Peace could potentially have lasted after the treaties of Lunéville and Amiens of 1801 and 1802 had the great powers accepted each others’ spheres of influence. However, the agreements turned out to b

64.6 Battles of the Nile 1798 and Marengo 1800
January 28, 2022

Napoleon leads the French into Egypt but is defeated at the Battle of the Nile by the British. Afterwards the Russians and Austrians push back against the French in Italy, but then suffer a reverse at