AHHH Lifestyle

AHHH Lifestyle

031 – Mindful Eating: Just One Step Toward Intuitive Eating

October 20, 2016

Now that you know what Intuitive Eating really is, why it works, when and with whom from last week's podcast, in this week's episode I discuss Minding Eating. Many people are not aware that Mindful Eating is just one step toward IE. So if Intuitive Eating hasn't worked for you, it may be because you started from the end rather than the beginning. Included in this podcast is an invitation to join me for breakfast (or any other meal you wish) during a LIVE video online workshop, to learn how to really taste, feel and savor food while listening to your body's feedback about satisfaction, hunger, and fullness. In other words, I'll teach you the first steps in Mindful Eating and it all happens LIVE. Plus, I give you another sneak peek about next week's EXCITING podcast topic.