AHHH Lifestyle

AHHH Lifestyle

024 – Can Weight Loss and Self Care Coexist Cooperatively in the Psyche?

September 01, 2016

In last week’s podcast, I talked about self care as a health strategy vs. the effects on the mind-body connection when primarily focusing on weight loss and dieting. So the next logical question is, “Can weight loss and self care coexist cooperatively in the psyche?” I answer this question and explain several reasons why we get stuck in the weight loss and diet mindset. I also share my own personal story with a scale obsession that I didn’t even know I had. I insisted that I’d done enough personal development work on myself and had enough psychology education that I’d know if I did. Plus, in one short sentence, I’ll provide a tip that can help you let go of the weight loss obsession and start focusing on self care instead, which you can begin right now. Included in this podcast  I announce next week’s podcast topic which is a great segway from here.
AHHH Lifestyle Podcast 011: The Diet Mentality:
National Eating Disorders Association’s article about Orthorexia Nervosa: