AgonMinds: Free-Flowing Converations with Athletes, Coaches, & Trainers | A New Approach to Sports I

AgonMinds: Free-Flowing Converations with Athletes, Coaches, & Trainers | A New Approach to Sports I

13 - Will Heininger

June 17, 2014

Will was a four year letterman and Sugar Bowl Champion for the University of Michigan football team.  Will walked-on the football team his freshman year and was starting by the time he was a senior.

In this episode, Will shares his story of overcoming depression his freshman year and how it changed his perspective on life.  He now works for the University of Michigan football team (he has a nametag on his office so it is official).

My wife and I had the opportunity to meet Will after we recorded the episode.  I can't say enough about the guy; he is incredibly genuine and as kind as they come.  After a lunch at BTB (Big 10 burrito for those non-Ann Arbor folk) he gave us a tour of the brand new Michigan facilities.  After meeting Will, it is no surprise why Coach Hoke created a spot for him on his coaching staff.