Agnostic Tech Podcast

Agnostic Tech Podcast

Agnostic Tech Podcast 16: You Bought A What?

March 24, 2015

Episode 16: You Bought A What?

John and Darren are back with another episode.  Darren has a new phone, and John has plenty to say on the topic.  They get into iOS vs. Android vs. Windows Phone (again), talk some pop culture, and don't leave early as the show ends with some Facebook F8 talk.

Big news!!! We have our own Agnostic Tech Podcast Slack channel.  E-mail us at for an invite!


Darren Cohen @RealDarrenCohen
John Wiskowski @Jwiskowski

We want to hear from you! Let us know your thoughts on the show, ideas for future topics, and what we got wrong.  All feedback is good feedback, and remember the only dumb feedback is the feedback never sent! E-mail us at

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