A Father's Heart

A Father's Heart

The Capital of Sweden - Episode One - Dom Kelly

August 06, 2019

I could not have wished for a better subject for my first chat on the Capital of Sweden.
Dom Kelly and his family are the classic story of an Irishman falling for a lovely Danish woman, his wife Dorthe, and the family making a home in Denmark.
A talented musician, Dom's band the Boxty Lads provide music for the episode, featuring Dom's poignant tune about homelessness in his native Ireland, A Tale of Two Cities. Their music is available at all the popular internet locations
It is a freewheeling conversation, going where it leads us.
I hope you enjoy it. Please leave us a review wherever you are listening, hit us with some (positive, of course) comments, and give us an idea of what you'd like to hear in the future.
The goal remains to get the podcast to a live, call in format at least some of the time, and your help in getting the numbers up will help us make that happen.
Visit us on Facebook at the Capital of Sweden.