

TFTL: Episode 18 – Summer Camp

July 03, 2020

Thank the stars school is FINALLY over and lucky for you, your grades weren’t that bad, so what better reward for your hard work than a trip to the bug infested, ungodly hot and all around uncomfortable great woods of Moody River, Minnesota!

That’s right! We’re diving back into Tales from the Loop! Join us as Teddy and Chester begin their summer vacation at Camp Wannamaguffin, with Kitty and Dwight keeping a close eye on them as official Camp Counselors! However, just like most camps in the 80’s, not everything is as peaceful as it seems and a sinister secret haunts these woods, and there are more things to worry about than just Teddy with a bow and arrow!

So, pack your bag and don’t forget the bug spray because on this week on Adventurific, you’re heading to Summer Camp!