Adventure Party

Adventure Party

It’s All In Your Head – Adventure Party #38

August 14, 2016

In this meeting of Adventure Party, we talk about the pros and cons of using miniatures in your campaigns. Are miniatures really necessary in a tabletop campaign? If you use them, how do you use them effectively? How much pre-prep should you do to use miniatures without slowing down a game? Also, we give a shout out to former guest J.F. Dubeau and our favorite GM, Todd Roll.
Glenn’s Review:
Terror in Meeple City is a board game that is very close to the old video game called Rampage. In fact, the original name of this board game was called Rampage but they were told to change it by Bally/Midway. In this game, you are a monster who is in town to cause destruction. You actually get to knock down buildings to score points. You can also toss vehicles and use your breath weapon to wreak havoc. Eat the meeples of Meeple City and gather the building floors you’ve destroyed to collect points.
Curse of Strahd returns to 5th Edition D&D
Wizards of the Coast have unleashed Strahd von Zarovich on the world of 5th Edition D&D. This is something that could bring in old school gamers to the fold. The classic Ravenloft adventures was one of the best D&D horror settings ever created. You could find yourself in the land of Boravia fighting the minions of darkness or joining forces with the evil of the land. They have also released a series of untagged maps for you to use to create your own adventures in the cursed land of Barovia.
Kickstarter Spotlight:
We’re shining the Kickstarter Spotlight on Tiny Epic Western. This up to 4 player game lets you experience the Wild West and work towards taking over this town using your posse members to gain influence and buy up property. Conflict resolution is done by playing 3 card poker with the special cards they’ve produced for the game. They’ve broken through so many stretch goals that the game is going to look and play wonderfully. (Glenn and I backed the game as we were recording the meeting.)

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