Adventure Party

Adventure Party

Reviewing 2015 – Adventure Party #35

July 01, 2016

We wanted to do a retrospective and wrap-up of 2015. We review our Top 5 most viewed YouTube episodes and most downloaded audio episodes. What were they about, what we talked about, and speculate why they were important to our Party Members.
Our YouTube list is:

* Patrick Rothfuss and Worldbuilding
* Andy Gille and Digital RPGs
* Kenneth Hite, The Dracula Dossier, and Much More
* Chris Tregenza and 6d6 RPG
* Terry Stevens and Magic the Gathering Storylines

Our Podcast list is:

* Glenn Buettner and Creating/Publishing Games
* Andy Gille and Digital RPGs
* Patrick Rothfuss and Worldbuilding
* A Few of our Favorite Things
* Kenneth Hite, The Dracula Dossier, and Much More

Glenn’s Review:
Glenn reviewed the card game called Evolution. The game is all about evolving and surviving in a pre-historic world. Will you be a carnivore or herbivore? Will outside forces allow your creatures to thrive or die off? Careful planning and a bit of luck can make of break the life on this world. Will you come out on top or be wiped out to make way for something better?
This game is also educational and is being used to teach the theory of evolution in schools.

Wyrd games has just released The Ferryman, which is a new one-shot campaign for Through the Breach. You are sent to investigate a river that is claiming the lives of experienced sailors. The bounty to be made for solving this problem could make you wealthy but it could also be the last thing you ever do.

Kickstarter Spotlight:
Our Spotlight shines on WINTERDALE: Medieval Fantasy Citadel Collection for 28mm. If you love tabletop games, laying out terrain, and have access to a 3-D printer, this is right up your alley. If you get on board, you’ll have access to printable files to make all the buildings, walls, staircases, and more for your next fantasy RPG setting.

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