Adrian Swinscoe's RARE Business Podcast

Adrian Swinscoe's RARE Business Podcast

Taziki’s is closing the disability employment gap and enriching their customer and employee experience at the same time – Interview with Dan Simpson

September 14, 2019

Today’s interview is with Dan Simpson, CEO of Taziki’s Mediterranean Café, which is a fast casual chain of franchised restaurants based in Birmingham, Alabama that purveys Greek and Mediterranean cuisine such as gyros, sandwiches, soups, and salads. Dan joins me today to talk about Tazikis and eudaimonia, what it is, how they bring it to life, bringing hope and joy to others and what companies should be doing differently to improve their customer experience. This interview follows on from my recent interview – If you want to improve your B2B customer experience, manage customer distress – Interview with Robert C. Johnson of TeamSupport – and is number 315 in the series of interviews with authors and business leaders that are doing great things, providing valuable insights, helping businesses innovate and delivering great service and experience to both their customers and their employees. Here’s the highlights of my chat with Dan: Eudaimonia is a Greek concept, first discussed by Aristotle, which means finding out how you’re wired, what your passion and gifts are in the world and then living those out in community with others that are doing the same thing. Literally it means lasting happiness from living an authentic life …